JCP&L Storm Update

JCP&L offers the following information about partial restoration and customer call backs.  

·        In a major storm, it is necessary to make temporary repairs - cutting a wire, opening a circuit, replacing a fuse-to make an area extra safe and restore power to as many customers as possible before returning to complete the work.  

·        This process helps JCP&L assess the damage and prioritize the work.  

·        If crews leave your area to make temporary repairs elsewhere, be assured they will return to complete the work.  

·        In a major storm, more than one repair may be needed to restore your service.

·        We will call you once we have made repairs needed to restore your service.  You can let us know if you are still without power. If so, it’s often a problem with the line connected directly to your home.

·        Customers who are without power are encouraged to call 1-888-LIGHTSS (1-888-544-4877) to report their outage or click the "Report Outage" link on