August 10, 2021
Project: Improvements to Dean Road~ 
Borough of Mendham

Please be advised, that on or about, Thursday August 12th, the milling and paving phase of Dean Road is scheduled to commence. This phase will take approximately 5 business days to complete, and the work hours will remain 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM. During these working hours Dean Road will be closed to thru traffic and street parking prohibited. Although the road will be open to local traffic at all times, residents are advised to proceed with caution when driving through an active work zone.
An employee of the Borough’s Engineering Firm, Ferriero Engineering, Inc. will be onsite daily providing oversight to the project and will be available should you have any questions. You may also contact our office directly with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance,

Top Line Construction Corporation

Notice – Dean Road Improvements – Milling and Paving
Roads/Resident Notification Letter-Milling Paving Phase (002).pdf

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