Squad Talk: College First Aid
We’re excited to train our soon-to-be (and current) college students next Thursday, May 16th at 6:30pm (at the Mendham First Aid Squad building) on College First Aid!
If you know a current junior or senior (or a college student), encourage them to come learn about how they can have peace of mind in emergencies they may experience in college.
We'll cover:
- First aid (cuts and scrapes, sprains and strains, etc.)
- Illnesses (colds, flu, indigestion, etc.)
- Allergic reactions
- When to call 9-1-1, when to go to the health center
- How to stay healthy in college
- The six items you need in a first aid kit
Come on by, it’s FREE and it could help them save their life! Also we’ll have pizza…

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