Message from the Mayor

Dear Mendham Borough Residents,

If you are a Legacy customer by now you have realized that Legacy will no longer be picking up your trash. Mendham Borough only knows this from the outgoing message they posted to their business line. Like you, we received no notice from Legacy so we have nothing more we can share. I asked our attorney to reach out to the state to notify them and see if there is any recourse that the state can take on behalf of our Legacy Mendham Borough customers. We will keep you posted on this matter as we hear back.

In times like this we need to pull together as a community and help out where we can. I took the time to drive around town yesterday and stop in at homes who had full Legacy garbage cans out by the curb to make sure they were up to speed. We will continue to send out our alerts, but not everyone signs up for our emails or is on social media. Let’s spread the word and help out a neighbor. If you see a neighbor, especially one of our seniors who may not be in the know, take a minute to share this information. Legacy customers will need to find a new trash hauler to provide this service. The situation is unexpected and very unfortunate, but we can all work together to fix this problem and find a new solution.

Thank you all for your assistance.


Sincerely yours,

Christine Serrano Glassner
