Bulk Pick Up and Recycling Service Information

Mendham Borough will be entering into a new contract for bulk pick up and recycling service. I believe it is important to provide a review of all the information that we have shared with our residents over the many months of this process.

  1. Our contract with Blue Diamond for bulk pickup and recycling services ended December 31, 2020. Blue Diamond agreed to continue this current service until January 31, 2021 until we enter a new contract with a hauler-- there will be no change to your service in January.
  2. The cost of recycling has increased more than 128% over the last 4 years and is predicted to continue to increase due to changes in the industry.
  3. All municipalities in New Jersey are statutorily required to offer some type of recycling service. Municipalities are required to provide only one recycling system, currently the Borough provides two: curbside pickup and a recycling center.
  4. In mid-2020, to save money, we began a process for new service and issued a request for proposals for a consolidated Solid Waste program which would have included garbage, bulk pickup, and recycling for all residential residents. That public process helped Council to make the decision that residents will continue to manage their own garbage pickup contracts with the private company of their choice. Mendham Borough is not currently offering garbage pickup and will not do so in the foreseeable future.
  5. As Mendham Borough is a small municipality and not situated near highways for easy transport we are limited with our options; few hauling companies are willing to offer service in our area. Also, because of the strict requirements for the handling of recycled materials there are few companies that provide this service.

Where are we now with our bulk pickup and recycling?

On October 26, 2020, the Borough put out a new bid proposal for only bulk pickup and recycling service, not garbage. We advertised widely as required by law. We made certain that many providers were aware of our open proposal.

Our proposal for the two services was available for the required 60 days and closed on Monday, December 28th. We received only one bid in response -- from Blue Diamond.

We also reached out to the Morris County Municipal Utility Authority (“MCMUA”) and asked them to provide a cost for service.

Here is what we received and will have to select from based on the statutory process for recycling bidding:


  • Pick up Recycling Dumpsters from the DPW facility.
    • MCMUA
    • Blue Diamond
  • Pick-up Single Stream Recycling once a week.
    • MCMUA
  • Pick up Bulk Waste once a week.
    • Blue Diamond


  • Combined pick-up Bulk Waste and Single Stream Recycling in any container once a week from homes.
    • Blue Diamond


On Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 8:00pm we will convene our Council meeting and will need to enter into a contract for recycling and bulk pickup services in order to maintain continuity of service for our residents.


Please join us at the meeting via zoom.

Jan 13, 2021 08:00 PM

Mendham Borough Council Meeting

Zoom Webinar ID: 850 9987 1841


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