Critical Care and Well Water Customers

Register with JCP&L for Special Alerts

Well Water Customers

If your home or business depends on an electrically operated private well for water, add your account to our Well Water Customer list by completing and returning this form.

JCP&L notifies registered Well Water Customers by telephone when a power outage is expected to interrupt their electric service for more than 24 hours. Notifications include locations where water and ice are available. JCP&L also provides the list of registered customers to county and municipal offices of emergency management. There is no charge for this service.

Life Support Equipment

If any member of your household depends on electrically operated life-support equipment, please let us know by calling 1-800-662-3115. JCP&L will send you a form that must be completed and signed by your physician every year to verify that you have life-support equipment.

When we receive your completed form, we will add your name to our Critical Care list. The list will be used during a power outage to contact all Critical Care Customers by telephone if the outage may affect their electric service for more than 24 hours.

In addition, the list will be provided to county and municipal Offices of Emergency Management. There is no charge for this service. In case of power outages, it's also important that life-support customers have a contingency plan, such as a battery backup.