Message from the Mayor


Dear Mendham Borough Residents and Business Owners, 


JCP&L continues to work in Mendham Borough to restore service to our residents and business owners. Since the peak outage of 3,523 (95% of customers) on Wednesday (August 5th) at 5pm, JCP&L has restored service to 3,274 customers as of 8:30 pm this evening (Saturday August 8th). We will continue to communicate with JCP&L throughout the evening to ensure the remaining residents have their power restored as soon as possible. Special thanks for today goes out to Gary Lynch, Mendham Borough OEM Coordinator, and Chief John Camoia for their extra efforts in chasing down tree companies and JCP&L supervisors all day throughout town to get our needs fulfilled, as well as Pete Hafemeister for working his magic on a powerless gate for crew access. 

From 8:30 am to 4:00 pm today - 284 residents were restored 

From 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm tonight - 68 residents were restored 

As of 8:30 pm this evening 249 residents are still without power. Additional residents are expected to be restored by midnight tonight

For those residents without power, the Garabrant Charging Center will be open from 10am to noon tomorrowSunday, August 9th. If you need any additional assistance we will make the center available for you on a needed basis. 

Spoiled food drop off is tomorrow, Sunday August 9th between 10am and 2pm at the DPW 

Please prepare to show ID, this emergency service is for Mendham Borough residents only. 

Our DPW crew will begin their brush pick up program next week. This will not be a fast process as there is a significant amount of brush to pick up. It may take more than a week before your brush is picked up. Brush pick up request form can be found here: 

or call Carolynn to be placed on the list at (973) 543-6535 


Here's wishing our Borough residents a peaceful evening. We are Mendham Strong! 

Sincerely yours,
Christina Serrano Glassner