We all know that tomorrow’s Thanksgiving celebration will be much different than in years past. While we are not able to gather with friends and extended family tomorrow, we can still be thankful for them. A video call may not replace a hug or an in-person meal, but the more aggressive we are in our social distancing efforts, the sooner we can begin to get back to some semblance of normalcy. 

The early news of COVID-19 vaccine efficacy in clinical trials from several biopharma companies gives many of us hope for an “end in sight”, but at the same time, we cannot let our guard down. We need to remain cautious and vigilant during this upcoming holiday. We need to continue practicing social distancing, masking, and good hygiene. 

Regardless of how you are observing, I urge you to take this time to reflect. These have been an incredibly challenging nine months, but I cannot begin to express how amazing it has been to witness the generosity, creativity, and resiliency displayed by our community members to encourage hope and keep the most vulnerable in our community safe.  This year, more than ever, I am so grateful and proud to be a Mendham Township resident. 

I wish each of you, your families, and friends a very happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday. 

Sarah Neibart

Mayor, Mendham Township