Mendham Township Historic Park at Pitney Farm

Make Your Mark on the Park!

The Mendham Township Historic Park at Pitney Farm is a beautiful seven-acre gem in the center of the Mendhams; a place to relax and soak up nature on the Central Lawn, the Upper Lawn or in the Walled Garden.

30+ specimen trees will be among the new plantings in this lovely oasis, including Shingle Oaks along the Central Lawn, White Oaks lining Shelton Road and a double row of Green Mountain Sugar Maples at the entrance area. These trees are available for dedication to loved ones and friends or for adoption by individuals, groups or other organizations supporting this new park.

Other Park features available for sponsorship are bluebird houses, rustic benches, and the Walled Garden, the Seed House and the Gazebo, including a shed for storing the volunteer gardeners’ equipment. A proposed fence along Shelton and Cold Hill Roads also welcomes sponsors.

Each dedication, adoption and sponsorship

will be acknowledged with a stone marker and plaque

inscribed with words chosen by the donor.


Please join us as you

Make Your Mark on the Park


FOR DEDICATION AND ADOPTION: Please Respond by September 30


Specimen Trees - $1,000 each

10 Shingle Oaks encircling the Central Lawn

10 White Oaks lining Shelton and Cold Hill Roads

6 Green Mountain Sugar Maples at the Park Entrance

3 Dawn Redwoods in selected locations


21 Native Dogwoods - $500 each

3 Rustic Benches* - $500 each

5 Bluebird Houses - $150 each

American Flag and Flagpole - $1,700 [PLEDGED]

1,000-foot Slip-Rail Perimeter Fence - $26,000

(Or $2,600 per 100-foot section)

Park entrance sign - $3,000 [PLEDGED]

Gardener’s Shed - $3,000


Walled Garden, Seed House, Gazebo

Honor Roll Plaque:

Bronze level ($300+)

Silver level ($500+)

Gold level ($750+)


Please make checks payable to Township of Mendham.

Indicate the purpose of the gift (shingle oak, rustic bench, etc.) on the memo line and include your inscription wording in a note, along with your name and contact information.

Payment also is accepted using Community Pass on the Township website.

Questions? Contact

All donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

Please Respond by September 30.


*The rustic benches will be built of reclaimed wood from the main barn on Pitney Farm