On May 6, 2021, Walker Cole Roghanchi spoke to Mayor Neibart and requested that the Township recognize a day for people to celebrate love, be kind, and do good deeds for one another. This past Monday, the Mendham Township Committee presented a proclamation to Walker and proclaimed that today - Thursday, July 1st is Love & Kindness Day in Mendham Township.

Today, the Township Committee encourages community members to pay it forward by initiating a series of activities in support of kind actions. Additionally, thanks to Walker’s suggestion, the Township of Mendham is formally rededicating itself to kindness and asks Mendham Township residents to further their practices of love and kindness in the coming year.

Sarah Neibart, Mayor
Nick Monaghan, Deputy Mayor
Tom Baio, Committee member
Amalia Duarte, Committee member
Jordan Orlins, Committee member