As we surpassed the one-year anniversary of the first documented COVID-19 positive case in New Jersey, the state added Pre-K-12 educators and childcare workers in licensed and registered settings to the list of groups eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Currently, the eligible populations in NJ include: healthcare workers, first responders, individuals 65 and older, individuals 18 - 64 with underlying health conditions, and teachers and daycare workers. 

This past Monday, the Governor announced that additional populations will become eligible in the coming weeks. As of March 15th, eligible populations will include public and local transportation workers, public safety workers, migrant farm workers, members of tribal communities, and individuals experiencing homelessness and those living in shelters. Beginning on March 29th, the following frontline essential workers in the following industries will become eligible: food production, agriculture, and food distribution, eldercare and support, warehousing and logistics, social services support staff, elections personnel, hospitality, medical supply chain, postal and shipping services, clergy, and the judicial system. 

To receive notifications regarding your eligibility to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and to find out when appointments are available, please sign-up at and the NJ Vaccine Scheduling System. If you are eligible for the vaccine and prefer not to wait for an appointment alert, you can also make an appointment directly with a vaccination location that does not use the Vaccine Scheduling System. Click here to view these locations.

On a separate but related note, the New Jersey Department of Health launched a new long-term care web page. The webpage features a user-friendly portal to identify the reopening status of facilities, information on current outbreaks, and frequently asked questions. 

As the state continues to vaccinate residents and patients in the long-term care facilities, there have been questions around residents who are homebound.  If you or someone you know will need the COVID-19 administered at-home, please send their information to me directly at We are preparing a list for the County for when the state expands the vaccination program to homebound residents. 

Thanks so much and have a good weekend.

Sarah Neibart

Mayor, Mendham Township