NJ Audubon 'World Series of Birding’ takes place on Saturday May 8! Chris Neff, NJ Audubon, is our Mendham bird expert that many local birding fans follow on Facebook - you can take part by joining Chris’ team, ’The Green Herons’. It’s a great team event for anyone with an interest in birds around us. I joined last year and learnt a lot about the different birds in our gardens, parks, ponds, waterways and more. Watch and list species you see over 24 hours and report back to Chris. Chris collates the species and helps identify them if you are unsure. Last year the team identified roughly 100 different species in and around our neighborhood! Mendham Township Environmental Commission is helping Chris promote the event. Join 'The Green Herons' team on Saturday May 8!

Martin Slayne

Chair, Mendham Township Environmental Commission