For many, Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer. Labor Day, however, was created to recognize the significant contributions that the American workforce has made to our country. This Labor Day, we are especially grateful for our essential workers who continue to put themselves and their families in harm’s way in order to provide services to our communities. As our state continues its reopening plan with the resumption of indoor dining and the reopening of gyms, let’s not forget the sacrifices of so many to keep us safe every day.

Yesterday marked six months since the first COVID-19 positive case in New Jersey. As the numbers in New Jersey continue to trend downward, we need to remain vigilant and not forget the important measures that led to case numbers declining. 

Over the last few months, our medical community has reduced mortality over time using therapeutics, and as they have learned more about the virus and what treatments worked, they've had even more success in treating patients. However, the best course of action is to prevent getting sick in the first place. With that in mind, please continue to practice social distancing, stay at least six feet apart, wear a face covering, wash hands frequently, and if you are sick, stay home. 

As we end the summer and kids go back to school, the state reported that out of the 746 camps opened this summer, there were only four outbreaks which included one camper and four staff members. That's an amazing testament to the precautions that residents across New Jersey have taken and the non-pharmaceutical interventions that were practiced in our camps.

This Labor Day Weekend, be sure to reflect, stay safe, and enjoy the holiday.


Sarah Neibart

Mayor, Mendham Township