Message from Mayor Sarah Neibart

Saturday, March 28, 2020



As of today, there are eight Mendham Township residents who are currently positive for COVID-19 Coronavirus. Names, addresses and personal identifying information of these residents cannot be released or shared with the community.


The Morris County Office of Health Management is the lead agency for investigating each case involving a person testing positive for COVID-19, including all close contacts. If it is determined that a County resident is infected with COVID-19, the Morris County Office of Health Management will contact those individuals who were in close contact with this person. It is important for everyone to monitor their health and consult with a primary care physician if exhibiting the following symptoms - cough, fever, tiredness, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing.


Our public health officials and first responders are working around the clock to make sure we are closely monitoring this situation, and I will continue to provide updates as they become available. An increase in positive cases is not an indicator that our social distancing methods are not working, rather that the availability of testing sites is increasing. Non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as social distancing, are necessary public health methods to reduce a sharp increase in cases in an effort to “flatten the curve” to reduce the overwhelming burden on our healthcare system. It may take several weeks before we see the full results of social distancing.


Staying at home is not just good advice to keep you and your families healthy, it is the law. If you have to go out for a necessary reason, limit your time in public and maintain a minimum of 6 feet from others. There should be no reason - other than assisting a neighbor with obtaining medical care/medicine and food/groceries - that you should be over at someone else’s home. Also, please refrain from block parties and community hangouts.


It is extremely important to follow the guidelines set by the New Jersey Department of Health. Please see the resources on the Mendham Township website which describe the steps you should take if you have been exposed to COVID-19 and/or if you have tested positive for COVID-19. Depending on your circumstance, you may have to self-isolate or self-quarantine. When self-isolated or self-quarantined, you should stay out of public places which include our trails and parks. 


It is more important than ever to take social distancing seriously and limit your community movement. We are monitoring the trails and parks to make sure they are not overcrowded. If you take a hike, please remain at least six feet away from any companions and do not go out in groups (other than family members).


Please stay informed by visiting these helpful websites:


It is important to remember that this is a newly identified virus and information concerning COVID-19 continues to evolve daily; therefore, the messaging will change as the situation evolves. Due to the evolving nature of information, residents are encouraged to call NJ 211 with questions or concerns about COVID-19 by dialing 2-1-1 or 1-800-962-1253 (24/7).


NJ 211 is New Jersey’s statewide, comprehensive, information and referral service operated by United Ways of New Jersey. Residents can also text NJCOVID to 898-211 to receive text information and stay informed. To receive live text assistance, residents can text their zip code to 898-211. 


Mendham Township residents can also call the Morris County Office of Health Management’s COVID-19 hotline at (973) 829-8250. Please note this line is only open Monday – Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.