Today - Thursday, May 14th is the NJ Census Day of Action and we are asking you to Call Those Who Count On You to see how they’re doing and to ask them to fill out their all-important Census.


For this to happen we need your help. If you could please send this information out to your networks, and ask them to participate, you would be taking a big step to help our community over the next 10 years. Accurate Census data will be very instrumental in helping to address the effects of COVID-19 through federal funding that could help with recovery efforts. 


We are asking as many folks as possible to participate in the Friends and Family Outreach call program. It’s simple to do and you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Everything you need is provided right here to start making calls:


Here’s how the call program works – You call at least five (5) friends, neighbors or family members to check and see how they are doing. Then also ask if they’ve had a chance to fill out their Census. If they haven’t, we’ve provided info so that you can tell them why it’s so important. Then ask those who said yes to call 5 of their friends and family members - And so on, and so on.


As a friend, neighbor, or relative you’re a trusted voice. And there is no one more effective than you to ask those you know to fill out their Census.


Key message for the Day of Action: The amount of New Jersey’s federal funding related to COVID recovery depends on the completeness of the Census count. It’s that important. It’s not too late to respond to the 2020 Census while being safe and practicing social distancing at home.


Day of Action Social Media Posts – Facebook Post Link: Please consider sharing the Facebook post promoting the Census Day of Action on your Facebook Page:

When you post use the hashtag: #NJCensus2020


Ready to fill out your own Census responses? Go to: