With non-essential retail businesses closed to slow the transmission of COVID-19, we’re reminded of the incredible value of our nearby public lands, open spaces, parks, and trails. This pandemic has increased anxieties and continues to separate us from one another, but fresh air, sunlight, and exercise can help sustain us - physically and mentally - in these difficult times.


This past Wednesday, Governor Murphy signed an Executive Order to reopen state parks and golf courses and has allowed the county to reopen county parks. This decision represents the first major step in reopening the state since many businesses and activities ceased in an attempt to mitigate the spread of the virus. The decision also reflects optimism from our state’s leadership that the curve is flattening.


We are extremely lucky in Mendham Township to have so many incredible open spaces, which make it so easy to get a dose of nature close to home. Like many of you, I am looking forward to spending time on our trails this weekend. Being in nature boosts my spirits and is an easy way to maintain social distancing while I am outside my home. 


Looking at the weather forecast, I want to encourage residents to get out and explore these natural gems in our community, but before you go, there are a few things to keep in mind.


Maintain Social Distancing:

If you pass someone on a trail or outside, one of you should responsibly step off the trail or hop off the sidewalk to keep 6 feet away from the other person. 


Bring a Mask: 

A mask is worn to prevent the droplets that fly out of our mouths - when we speak, not just when we cough or sneeze - from being inhaled by those nearby. As we do our best to maintain at least 6 feet away from one another, our masks add another and significant level of protection. It is recommended that you wear a mask while you are in public places. However, when you are outside away from others, masking is not required.  When another person comes into your line of sight, you should put your mask on and cover your mouth and nose.



All dogs must always be on a leash and stay near their owner. 



Please do not throw garbage on trails. Anything you bring into a park or on a trail, should be taken back home with you. 


Be Careful:

If you intend to hit an open trail, please be careful and do not take unnecessary risks that could lead to a fall or injury. Being rescued requires a lot of personnel in close quarters, increasing the risk of transmission as well as pulling someone away from the front lines where they are desperately needed.


If you are sick, stay home!

If you or a loved one is sick or has been required to quarantine because of a recent exposure, please refrain from hiking the trails and being in public spaces. Wait and rest until you’re fully recovered before hitting the trails.  


Spending time outdoors can help you stay healthy but please recreate responsibly.  Have a great weekend! 


Sarah Neibart

Mayor, Mendham Township