Yesterday marked 100 days since the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in New Jersey. 

Over the last few weeks, our state has seen incredibly encouraging public health data. New hospitalizations are down more than 90%. Total hospitalizations are down 80%. Ventilator-use has dropped nearly 80%. The number of patients in intensive care units is down by just over three-quarters. NJ has slowed the rate of transmission to one of the lowest in the entire country. 

From a public health perspective, this is great news. News that also encouraged Governor Murphy to lift the stay-at-home order this past Tuesday which had been in place for 80 days. 

As the state continues its phased reopening, on Monday, non-essential retail businesses will be permitted to allow for limited in-person shopping and outdoor dining will be open as well. During the week of June 22nd, beauty salons, barber shops, and personal care shops will open. As you make your summer plans, youth summer programs are allowed to begin on July 6th.  Although our summer will not look exactly like summers before, here in Mendham Township we are hoping to make this summer as enjoyable and as normal as possible.  

The Township is opening Brookside Beach tomorrow - Saturday, June 13th at 2pm.  Next week, we are hosting a Community Dinner under the stars. On July 4th, we are having a drive-by parade and fireworks at Mosle Field.  For more information on these programs, please continue to read our emails and visit our Mendham Township Facebook page.

Even on beautiful summer days, everyone should continue to take precautions. This includes social distancing, hand-washing, and using face coverings. 

Enjoy the beautiful weekend, and hope to see you at Brookside Beach! 

Sarah Neibart

Mayor, Mendham Township