A couple of notes to begin your week:

This Week is National EMS Week: National EMS week was created to honor Emergency Medical Service practitioners.  If there was ever a time to recognize their work and dedication to our communities, it is now!   Our Mendham Township EMS volunteers are on the front lines with COVID-19, in addition to handling the many other calls they receive to assist us with our injuries and illnesses.  They are risking their lives every day to protect ours.  Let's show our appreciation with a simple but meaningful act-- placing a heart on our front doors or windows.  As they drive through our town, these EMS workers will be able to see that we are thinking of them each day and are grateful for their selfless service.  Feel free to print and paste the following image on your doors/windows or be creative by making your own.  


Sirens for Solidarity: As a friendly reminder, we will be sounding the emergency siren throughout Mendham Township tonight at 6pm to support our neighbors who have been directly impacted by COVID-19 and to honor our frontline workers and first responders.  When you hear the siren, step outside for a few minutes (on your front steps or in your yard), wave, clap your hands, and make some noise in solidarity.