The Morris County Department of Health contacted the Township last night and asked us to submit a list of homebound residents that will need the COVID-19 vaccine administered at home by Monday afternoon. Luckily, many of you have already provided us with this information. If you or someone you know will need the COVID-19 vaccine administered at home, please send their information to me directly at by Monday, March 29th at 12:00pm.

This coming Monday, the state of New Jersey expects to receive 494,430 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine - 267,930 Pfizer doses, 174,800 Moderna doses, and 51,700 doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. This will be an increase of 77,770 doses from this past week. 

Today, Governor Murphy reported that 3,798,523 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in NJ. He also announced that vaccine eligibility in NJ will expand again in April.

On Monday, March 29th, frontline essential workers in the following industries will become eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations: food production, agriculture, food distribution, eldercare and support, warehousing and logistics, social services support staff, elections personnel, hospitality, medical supply chain, postal and shipping services, clergy, and the judicial system. On April 5th, individuals in the following groups will become eligible: individuals aged 55-64, individuals aged 16+ with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, higher education educators and support staff, librarians and library support staff, and workers in the following jobs: communications, IT, media, real estate, building and home services, retail financial institutions, sanitation, laundry services, and utilities.   

As many members of our community begin their spring holiday celebrations of Passover and Holy Week, I encourage you to take full advantage of the beautiful weather! As a reminder, the gathering limits are set at 25 individuals indoors and 50 individuals outdoors. Indoor gatherings for religious services must be limited to 50% of the room’s capacity.

Have a good weekend and take care.  

Sarah Neibart

Mayor, Mendham Township