As most areas around the state are having their power restored, many residents in Morris County still remain in the dark. Six crews worked on three different circuits related to the Mendham substation today. As of this evening, 864 Mendham Township households have had their power restored, and JCP&L is also hopeful to have 90% of Mendham restored by later tonight/early tomorrow morning.   

Utility crews have replaced more than 68,000 feet of wire, hundreds of poles and crossarms, and worked through more than 360 road closures to repair service in NJ. However, if you are one of the 1,418 Mendham Township residents without power, I am sure that is no solace to you. Keeping in mind the hardships already endured by our community throughout the pandemic, we are doing everything we can to keep residents safe, open roads, provide access to water, and work with JCP&L to get the power on throughout the Township as quickly as possible. 

Our first responders have also been hard at work. Over the last few days, our Mendham Township Fire Department has been called to 40 emergency incidents throughout the Township and our bordering towns. As the power lines get restored, a power surge can set off your smoke detector. To prevent from activating a false alarm, when the power comes back on, please wait a few minutes before turning on the main switch. To give the electrical system a chance to stabilize, turn on essential appliances first, then gradually turn on other electronics. If your HVAC won’t turn on after a storm, you may need to restart it. Some units require you to turn off the thermostat, reset the circuit breaker, and wait a period of time before restarting the system. 

If you have an elderly or at risk family member/friend that you need us to check on, please contact (973) 543-4555 ext. 211 and leave a message. If it is something of an urgent nature, please contact the Mendham Township Police Department directly at (973) 543-2581 and dial 0. 

There are cell phone charging stations outside of the Ralston and Brookside Firehouses as well as hoses with non-potable water. For access to a cooling center, please email me directly at

We will continue to update you as more information becomes available. Stay safe.

Sarah Neibart

Mayor, Mendham Township