Message from Mayor Sarah Neibart                                     Saturday, March 21, 2020


Today, Governor Phil Murphy signed an Executive Order that directs New Jersey residents to STAY HOME unless obtaining essential goods or services, seeking medical attention, visiting family or close friends, reporting to work, or engaging in outdoor activities.

As mentioned in the Amended - Proclamation of Local State of Emergency that I signed on Wednesday, March 18th, Mendham Township residents should be taking aggressive social distancing measures and limiting community movement. Where possible, residents should establish plans to telework from home, limit visitors, playdates, and hangouts and remain out of public spaces where close contact with others may occur. A great way to stay in contact with your loved ones is by utilizing technology - FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Skype, Zoom, phone call, text, email, etc. 


If you want us to check-in with an individual, please send an e-mail to with the name, telephone number, e-mail and home address of the resident. If you sense that a resident needs immediate medical and/or emergency care, please contact 911.


The Governor's order also directs the closure of all non-essential retail businesses to the public. More information on that can be found here:


These are challenging times but we are an incredibly resilient community. A community made better because we are able to rely on each other. Each of us needs to take it upon ourselves to stay at home and employ social distancing properly. We also need to trust our neighbors to do the same. The only way to get through this is to do it together.