As our community comes together this weekend to celebrate our country’s Independence Day, like many of our holiday celebrations this year, the Fourth of July will look very different. Although our state has made considerable strides in decreasing the spread of COVID-19, the pandemic is not over.  

As you celebrate this weekend, please continue to operate within social distancing guidelines. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends staying outside if possible (and if not, using a well-ventilated indoor space). If you are going out in public spaces, make sure to have a face covering and maintain a six foot distance between you and others. 

This Independence Day let us recommit to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” for all Americans, and reinforce our collective commitment to protect vulnerable friends, family, and community members. 


No matter how you choose to celebrate our Independence Day holiday, enjoy the weekend and please stay safe.

Happy Fourth of July! 

Sarah Neibart

Mayor, Mendham Township