As you finalize any remaining travel plans, please be aware of the Travel Advisory issued by Governor Murphy on June 24th. This advisory applies to all individuals - NJ residents and non-NJ residents - traveling from states with a positive test rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents over a 7-day rolling average or a state with a 10% or higher positivity rate over a 7-day rolling average. These individuals are to quarantine for a 14-day period from the time of last contact within the identified state. For more detailed information please go to the NJ FAQ page:

As of July 7th, the following 19 states are listed on the NJ COVID-19 Information Hub: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah. This list is updated weekly depending upon the pandemic status in each state.

As COVID-19 cases rise across the country, the goal of the Travel Advisory is to minimize the impact on New Jersey by preventing the start of an outbreak in our state. Although we cannot restrict your vacation and travel plans, it is critical that you are aware of the potential risk of exposure when traveling to certain areas.

Although compliance to this advisory is voluntary, the state is expecting individuals to self-quarantine upon arrival from a state with significant community spread. Additionally, if you decide to travel to one of these states, please get tested when you arrive back in New Jersey.

There are now more than 255 locations in the state to get tested. Visit to find a testing site or talk to your doctor. Testing is available for all residents who want it or need it. If uninsured, multiple sites throughout the state will still provide a test, with a number of free testing opportunities.

To prevent an outbreak in our community, it is critical that you do your best to follow this guidance and get tested. If you need assistance in finding a safe place to quarantine, the Morris County Office of Health Management is happy to assist.

Have a good weekend, and stay well.

Sarah Neibart
Mayor, Mendham Township