From: Gil Piaquadio Supervisor Town of Newburgh


Below, please find links from the Governor's April 17th 2020 Press Release, the 24-Hour Hotline Number, and the New York State Department of Health's website with the latest information. 


The Governor’s latest Executive Order requiring face coverings can be found at:

No. 202.18: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency


Press Release: 

Governor Cuomo Issues Executive Order Directing All NYS Public and Private Labs to Coordinate with State DOH to Prioritize Diagnostic Testing


Governor Cuomo Announces 'NYS on PAUSE' Extended until May 15


24-Hour Hotline Number: 1-888-364-3065


Website: New York State Department of Health Coronavirus Website 


For the business community, please see the latest link to essential businesses as of April 17, 2020 at 12 PM:


If any businesses are interested in converting their existing manufacturing into producing equipment, please fill out the following:


If any community members would like to get involved, they can go to the following website:

Get Involved: How You Can Help



  • Please try to remain indoors as much as possible.
  • When you have to go outdoors, wear a mask and remain six feet away from others.
  • Wash you hands often.

We will get through this together.

