Dear Residents:


We find ourselves in a most unusual, unpredictable, medical situation in the form of the coronavirus.  The most important person in this Town is the person reading this letter.  To reduce the spread of this virus, I am asking you to stay in your homes as much as possible; cover all coughs and sneezes; wash your hands for at least 30 seconds; and, stay at least six feet from others.


Given the wisdom and experience that comes with age, I am asking seniors to tell their family members that we will get through this.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Orange County’s Call Center at 1-800-832-1200.


On a daily basis, I and the Town of Newburgh Town Board Members communicate with Orange County’s Health Department as well as the County’s Department of Emergency Management.


In an effort to provide financial relief to our residents, our Town Board sent a request to both Orange County and New York State to extend the March 31st deadline for property taxes.


In addition, I have requested that Orange County make interest free loans available to small businesses in need of financial assistance through reserve funds from the County’s Industrial Development Agency (IDA).


Gil Piaquadio  Supervisor Town of Newburgh


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