The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Coldenham Fire District, Walden, New York,

will receive sealed bids for snow removal for the 2020-2021 winter season.

Proposed bids must be received by the Coldenham Fire District no later than

7:00 pm on October 12, 2020 in a sealed envelope and each bid shall bear on the

face thereof, the name and address of the bidder and be clearly identified as

"Snow Plowing Bid".

Bids will be opened on Monday, October 12, 2020 at 7:30 pm at the Coldenham

Fire House at 511 Coldenham Road, Walden, New York. Bids can be mailed to:

Coldenham Fire District, Attn: Secretary Mary Keenan, PO Box 10595, Newburgh,

New York 12552, however must be received by the time and date above.

Late bids will not be honored or opened. Sealed bids can also be personally dropped off

at the Fire Station. All bids received will be publicly read aloud at the beginning of the

regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners at 7:30 pm on

October 12, 2020.

Specifications may be obtained by sending an email to: or contacting Commissioner Decker at 845-629-7616.

Bidders must note that their bid must comply with the Laws of the State of

New York. A "Non-Collusive Bid Certification" required by Section 103-d of the General

Municipal Law, must be submitted with each bid.

The Board of Fire Commissioners reserves the right to consider bids for a period

of thirty (30) days after their opening, during which time no bidder may withdraw his bid

and the right is reserved to the Board of Fire Commissioners to accept or reject

any or all bids.


Mary E. Keenan


Coldenham Fire District

Board of Fire Commissioners

Dated: September 21, 2020




10:08 AM (2 minutes ago)