At the December 14, 2020 Town Board Meeting, the Town of Newburgh Town Board passed a Resolution to oppose Central Hudson’s proposed electric and natural gas rate increase.  If permitted, Central Hudson’s proposed rate increases would increase the average monthly residential electric bills by about $3.50 per month (2.8%) and increase the average monthly residential natural gas bill by about $3.30 (2.8%).


By opposing Central Hudson’s proposed rate increase, the Town of Newburgh Town Board seeks to prevent undue financial burden on residents, businesses, and local governments.  Especially during these unprecedented times where our community is grappling with the impacts of Covid-19 including food insecurity, unemployment, and the like; it is imperative that we stand together with one voice to oppose Central Hudson’s proposed electric and natural gas rate increase.


In this era of virtual learning and remote work, our communities are spending more time at home and utilizing more electric and natural gas services than ever before.  To increase electric and natural gas bills while residents, businesses, and local governments are barely making ends meet, would amplify the financial hardships already faced by our communities and have a negative impact on our economy.


The Town of Newburgh Town Board is therefore resolved to unanimously oppose Central Hudson’s proposed electric and natural gas rate increase.


This Resolution will be sent to Central Hudson, New York State Public Service Commission, Hon. Senator James Skoufis, Hon. Assemblyman Jonathan Jacobson, and the Orange County Association of Towns, Villages, and Cities.





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