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Vol. 14 Issue 3 - Newton, NJ - Saturday, March 7, 2020

Feature Story Image
(Hardyston, NJ) Sussex County Freeholder Director Sylvia Petillo and the Board of Chosen Freeholders recognize that our residents are concerned and may be experiencing feelings of fear and uncertainty about the growing number of COVID-19 cases that have been reported in the United States, as well as the cases that were recently reported in our State of New Jersey. The Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Sussex County Division of Health share your concerns and want to assure you that we are working diligently with our local, state, and federal partners to respond to the public health threat posed by this virus.  Read More...

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Health & Human Services

Get the facts on coronavirus in a 5 minute video from Dr. Peter Lin
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A Program of the County of Sussex

Board of Chosen Freeholders

County Administrator
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One Spring Street, Newton, NJ 07860